Primary Care Ear Clinic operates from Key Largo Medical Centre, located in Clarkson, central in Perth's northern suburbs. It is across the road from Ocean Keys Shopping Centre, is close to the Mitchell Freeway and has frequent bus services from Clarkson Train Station.
We offer help and advice for all ear related problems and you will be seen by a qualified GP with extensive training, experience and qualifications in ENT medicine. We offer microsuction for blocked ears and ear wax, treatment of acute ear infections and advice on hearing problems. We also offer simple screening audiograms (hearing tests) if required.
The service is suitable for all adults and children over the age of 6. Younger children unfortunately do not tend to tolerate the treatment as it is very noisy and requires them to sit perfectly still.
Depending on the problem, we can also refer on to local Audiologists or ENT surgeons. We do not offer in depth hearing assessments and we do not sell hearing aids. For this, we can refer to a local Audiology provider.
About Us //
Dr Robert Green is a practicing local GP who has a specialist interest in ENT.
He qualified from Southampton University (UK) in 2006 and spent four years working in a busy District General Hospital, with two of these years spent as an ENT Senior House Officer. During this time he was trained by two specialist ENT surgeons and learned both clinic based and surgical ENT techniques.
He then spent three years training to become a GP in Hampshire, England after which he became a partner in a suburban practice. He also practiced as a GP with Specialist Interest (GPSI) in ENT for the local health service during this time.
In 2016, he migrated to Western Australia with his family where he continues to practice as a GP. He is also an accredited GP trainer and holds specialist registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority.
BM - Primary Medical Degree, Southampton UK 2006
PGDipENT - Postgraduate Diploma in ENT, Middlesex University UK, 2009
DOHNS - Diploma in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons (England), 2010
MRCS - Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), 2011
MRCGP - Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners, UK, 2012
FRACGP - Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2015
We work with all local Audiology providers, who can provide comprehensive hearing assessments, balance assessments, tinnitus assessment and treatment.
If indicated, we can refer to an ENT surgeon, through either the private or public system.
All patients must have an appointment to be seen. You can make an appointment by contacting us by telephone or on the 'Bookings' page on this website.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please try and give us as much notice as possible so we can offer your appointment to someone else.
Patients do not need a referral, although if you do have a referral from your GP or Audiologist then please bring it along. If you have a referral, then we will send a report back to the referrer, unless you inform us otherwise.